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1 Translation result for off beat in Spanish


offbeat adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
excéntrico, raro

Example sentences of
offbeat adjective

  • She has an offbeat sense of humor.
  • He often plays offbeat characters in his films.
  • an offbeat approach to teaching
  • The performance was refreshingly offbeat.

off adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
más remoto, distante; empezado; apagado; cancelado, suspendido; erróneo, incorrecto; remoto, lejano; libre

Example sentences of
off adjective

  • The water is off.
  • The lever is in the off position.

Synonyms of
off adjective

beat noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
golpe, redoble (de un tambor), latido (del corazón); ritmo, tiempo

Example sentences of
beat noun

  • They danced to the beat of the drums.
  • She likes music with a Latin beat.
  • The doctor is listening to the beat of his heart.

Synonyms of
beat noun

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Reverse translation for off beat

excéntrico  - eccentric 
raro  - odd, strange, peculiar, unusual, rare, exceptional